BSN Programs South Carolina

Almost 80 percent of employers preferred or required new hires to have a bachelor’s degree to practice nursing, according to a national survey conducted by George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services. Nurse executives indicated a willingness to offer tuition reimbursement to encourage current nurse employees to continue their education to earn a BSN degree. Although there’s a huge push for nurses to complete a BSN degree in accordance with the Institute of Medicine’s report, only a … Read the rest

South Carolina RN Requirements and Training Programs

Nursing is a rewarding career as it offers you the opportunity to touch the lives of the people you serve. It takes a very special person to become a nurse. Apart from the learned skills and knowledge of the science of nursing, you need compassion, patience, commitment, and strength. If you have what it takes, it’s a great time to enter this rewarding profession. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, nursing is the fastest growing profession in South Carolina. … Read the rest

ADN Programs Greenwood, SC

Nurses make up the largest segment of the health care team. They are professionals who provide direct care at the bedside and work to promote health, prevent disease, and restore wellness of clients across the lifespan. The Associate Degree Nursing program prepares adults to function as entry-level practitioners in just two to three years. Graduates are knowledgeable, competent, and accountable members of the health care team. They are able to use critical thinking, verbal and written communication, and professional behaviors … Read the rest

RN to BSN Programs South Carolina

The Institute of Medicine made a strong call for the academic progression of nurses, which will result in a workforce where 80 percent of registered nurses will have a baccalaureate degree by the year 2020. In 2015, the associate’s degree remains the most common point of entry for nurses due to the cost and duration of the program. However, experts agree that higher degrees will offer significant benefits to patients, employers, and communities. Registered nurses will also benefit from academic … Read the rest

MSN Programs South Carolina

Healthcare reform initiatives aim to reduce the astronomical costs of medical care. Specially educated nurses are the industry’s answer to quality care at a more reasonable cost. Nurses with a master’s degree are needed more than ever to provide specific clinical services. Obtaining this advanced degree will provide opportunities to become a nurse administrator, nurse educator, or health policy expert. Additionally, registered nurses can use the knowledge and skills acquired in a master’s program to become an advanced practice nurse … Read the rest

DNP Programs South Carolina

As you investigate advanced nursing degrees to become a nurse practitioner, you’ll come across Ph.D. and DNP programs. In its simplest form, a Ph.D. is a researched-focused degree whereas a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is a degree that prepares graduates for clinical practice. Put another way, the Ph.D. is designed for nurses seeking careers as research scientists in private, academic, and government agencies. DNP graduates, on the other hand, bring evidenced-based knowledge (from research) into clinical practice to improve … Read the rest