ADN Programs Houston, TX

Updated December 4, 2024

A career in nursing is beneficial for those who enjoy caring for others. Providing physical and emotional support must always be a top priority for those who enter the profession, but there are other benefits of getting an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). The current need for nurses in the healthcare sector means there are numerous opportunities for new and existing nurses. Apart from the abundance of opportunities, nurses also receive excellent compensation for their valuable … Read the rest

BSN Programs Texas

The growing number of persons with chronic health conditions, the increasing complexity of healthcare, and the widespread use of technological innovations require nurses to have the educational preparation to navigate the challenges of the health care system. Nurses with a baccalaureate and higher degree are better prepared to manage the complex health care system and use a holistic approach to produce positive patient outcomes. Apart from preparing a highly-educated workforce, BSN programs produce graduates who have the foundation for further … Read the rest

ADN Programs Austin, TX

Healthcare employers are in desperate need of professional registered nurses. The aging Baby Boomer population is increasing the demand for health care services in hospitals, long-term care facilities, outpatient centers, and other health care facilities. Apart from rising health care needs, a significant portion of the health care workforce is approaching retirement, creating further employment opportunities for registered nurses. This demand for nurses is expected to escalate in the next decade. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job growth … Read the rest

ADN Programs Dallas, TX

Texas, like the rest of the nation, is facing an unprecedented shortage of nurses to care for the aging and ailing population. The shortage of nursing faculty and limited enrollment in nursing programs, the retirement of aging nurses, and the prevalence of chronic illnesses are some factors that contribute to workforce shortages. Based on health care demands, the state of Texas will need an additional 5,000 nurses added to the workforce every year according to officials.

While the shortages pose … Read the rest

ADN Programs San Antonio, TX

If you feel that nursing is your calling, the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing Program will provide a fast-track to licensure from the Texas Board of Nursing. The AND curriculum includes knowledge and practical training to prepare students for the National Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN).

Registered Nurses hold a vital role in the healthcare team, promoting health, inspiring faith and confidence in the health care system, preventing diseases, and comforting patients and their families when they’re more … Read the rest

RN to BSN Programs El Paso, TX

Nursing is among the list of fastest-growing occupations in the United States. It is a versatile profession in that registered nurses have numerous options in the places they can work, areas of specialities are almost unlimited, and they can easily advance their careers by continuing their education. The path of entry to nursing is made fairly simple through the associate degree in nursing offered at community colleges across Texas. It is the most common path to entry. However, complexities in … Read the rest

RN to BSN Programs Fort Worth, TX

A baccalaureate in nursing matters! A survey of healthcare organizations conducted by the American Association of Colleges of Nurses in 2020 found that 41 percent of hospitals and health care facilities require a BSN degree from their nurse employees. Patient outcomes increase when the nursing team is largely made up of BSN-prepared nurses, according to bachelor’s degree in nursing reports. The National Academy of Medicine sought to increase the number of nurses holding the BSN to 80% by the year … Read the rest

RN to BSN Programs Dallas, TX

Nursing is one of the fastest-growing occupations in the United States. It is among the few professions that offer diversity in the places of work, areas of specialty, and degrees for entry. Many nurses enter the profession through an associate of science degree in nursing, but the increasing complexity of health care delivery calls for nurses to have a bachelor’s degree in n nursing to meet employers’ expectations and advanced their careers. The RN to BSN transition program is the … Read the rest

RN to BSN Programs Houston, TX

A baccalaureate degree in nursing opens new doors for your career as a registered nurse. The move from an associate degree or diploma in nursing will always be a positive career move – even when factoring in the cost of the degree, commitment of time, and impact on your current employment. The RN to BSN program seeks to minimize inconveniences by offering flexible schedules and the convenience of online learning. Since RN students already possess pre-license clinical skills, the program’s … Read the rest

Texas RN Requirements and Training Programs

Registered nurses have their pick of well-paid employment in a variety of health care settings across Texas. Apart from a highly competitive salary, nurses receive great health benefits, incentives for advancing their education, and opportunities to enhance their position and income potential. Nursing careers are among the fastest growing occupations according to the U.S. Department of Labor. The demand will continue well beyond 2020 as the population ages and access to healthcare expands. With the higher than average shortage of … Read the rest

RN to BSN Programs San Antonio, TX

As a registered nurse holding an associate degree or diploma in nursing, your role may be limited to bedside care. You can improve your career outlook and opportunities by enrolling an RN to BSN program to obtain a baccalaureate of science in nursing. BSN-prepared nurses are eligible for positions in leadership and community health due to their expanded knowledge and skillset obtained in the BSN program. The RN to BSN program awards credit to registered nurses for their prior learning … Read the rest

BSN Programs El Paso, TX

A registered nurse’s role extends beyond that of administering medication and measuring vitals. They counsel and support patients with the goal of improving health, overall wellness, and patient outcomes. Bachelor of Science degree nurses are active in communities educating individuals, families, and communities on the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health. They are more likely to be employed in acute care due to their critical thinking, sound clinical judgment, leadership, and use the evidence-based practice – skills acquired … Read the rest

ADN Programs Fort Worth, TX

Formal education is a must if you intend to pursue a career as a registered nurse. The Associate Degree in Nursing is a minimum credential you can earn to apply to take the National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses from the Texas Board of Nursing. A comprehensive nursing program will equip students with skills, knowledge, and confidence to provide safe and competent care to a diverse clientele in a variety of health care settings.

In today’s health care environment … Read the rest

BSN Programs Fort Worth, TX

Nurses have an integral role in the healthcare system as evidenced by the continuous demand for professional nurses in all sectors of the industry. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, RN positions will increase 9% in the next decade. While the projections are positive, there is a greater demand for BSN nurses than nurses who have completed a diploma or associate degree program in nursing. Completing a registered nurse program, whether diploma, AAS, or BSN will prepare you … Read the rest

BSN Programs Austin, TX

Many nursing associations and employers today want the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree to be the requirement for entry into practice. They also encourage current registered to continue their education through RN to BSN completion programs. Studies have proven that BSN educated nurses provide a higher standard of care for patients and along with it improved clinical outcomes. Among the benefits that healthcare institutions derive from nurses with higher education include lower mortality rates, fewer medication errors, greater … Read the rest

ADN Programs Plano, TX

In the year 2020, the necessity and commitment of nurses were clearer than ever as they worked on the frontlines of the global pandemic. The workforce demonstrated unbelievable strength as they put their lives and the lives of their families at risk to respond to the needs of patients. All hands were on deck as even nurses prepared at the Associate Degree level were essential in helping meet the overwhelming demand for healthcare workers. As the world looked on and … Read the rest

ADN Programs Arlington, TX

With all the complexities associated with health care delivery today, there is one contact – nurses who are committed to the restoration of health. The career offers diverse opportunities for those who are invested in continued learning and moving in a forward direction. The Associate of Applied Science in Nursing is a first step to licensure as a registered nurse. But your education shouldn’t stop there. The shortage of nurses is real, but getting a job is not as simple. … Read the rest

BSN Programs Dallas, TX

Nurses work collaboratively with other health professionals to deliver efficient and safe care in almost every sector of the medical industry. They form the core of the healthcare system, providing extraordinary care in times of calm or crisis. They are the heroes on the frontline of care, doing a life-saving work and providing invaluable support to ensure patient comfort and recovery.

Although thousands of nurses have been added to the workforce in response to the repeated calls for more nurses, … Read the rest

ADN Programs El Paso, TX

An associate degree in Nursing (ADN) has been and continues to be the chosen credential for entry into nursing. Like the Bachelor’s in Nursing (BSN), the ADN is an acceptable educational pathway to take the NCLEX-RN examination and obtain a license to practice and work successfully in Texas. If you’re eager to get started and don’t have the time, money, or inclination to pursue the BSN degree, the associate degree is an ideal first step.

The ongoing shortage of nurses … Read the rest

BSN Programs San Antonio, TX

Nurses are at the heart of healthcare. They are compassionate, diligent, excellent communicators, and committed to the well-being of their patients. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree helps students obtain the preparation needed to commence a rewarding career in nursing. The curriculum includes didactic and practical instruction so students are equipped with the knowledge to sit for the NCLEX-RN Exam. There the several paths that grant eligibility to take the licensure exam – the diploma in nursing, an associate … Read the rest

BSN Programs Houston, TX

While there are several paths to prepare for registered nurse licensure – a diploma, associate degree, or baccalaureate degree – BSN-prepared nurses have the best employment opportunities. Employers, particularly hospitals, the US Army, and US Navy, are more likely to hire BSNs for their ability to meet the complexities in today’s health care system and improve patient outcomes and satisfaction. The BSN program covers all the content taught in the associate degree program but includes an in-depth study of the … Read the rest

RN to BSN Programs Texas

Recent statistics coming out from the Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies reveal that the supply ratio of RNs in Texas lags behind that of other states and the national supply ratio. Even with a shortage of registered nurses, employers are unwilling to draw from a pool of available associate-degree graduates. Seeking every opportunity to promote patient safety, many hospitals are beginning to hire only BSN RNs, leaving the ADNs and LVNs with no choice but to seek employment in … Read the rest

MSN Programs Texas

Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are registered nurses with additional education. Master of Science (MSN) and Doctor of Nursing Practice degree programs prepare registered nursing professionals to perform physical exams, order labs and analyze results, prescribe medication, and educate patients. APRNs specialize by population, and their titles may be Certified Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse-Midwives, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, and Clinical Nurse Specialist. Apart from catering to a specific patient population, APRNs may also work in academia or research.

As health … Read the rest

DNP Programs Texas

The innovative and solution-focused Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree prepares advanced practice nurses to take an active leadership role in solving complex healthcare issues. By creating new healthcare opportunities, bringing care to populations in rural areas, implementing valuable research in clinical settings, and educating the future generation of nurses, DNP graduates are making a profound impact in healthcare.

The DNP degree is a practice doctorate that gives students the terminal academic preparation in nursing. In Texas, where the supply … Read the rest