RN to BSN Programs El Paso, TX

Nursing is among the list of fastest-growing occupations in the United States. It is a versatile profession in that registered nurses have numerous options in the places they can work, areas of specialities are almost unlimited, and they can easily advance their careers by continuing their education. The path of entry to nursing is made fairly simple through the associate degree in nursing offered at community colleges across Texas. It is the most common path to entry. However, complexities in healthcare delivery have increased demand for registered nurses holding a bachelor of science in nursing at minimum. The RN to BSN transition program provides a convenient and accessible option for registered nurses to earn the BSN degree without affecting their work and family commitments. The coursework is delivered online and may be self-paced. Registered nurses will complete any required practicum requirements in their place of work, and will be awarded the BSN degree in just one year of part-time attendance.

The University of Texas at El Paso – College of Nursing

The RN to BSN program at The University of Texas is designed for registered nurses who desire a bachelor’s degree in nursing. The specific RN-only online courses build upon the educational and professional experience of registered nurses with an associate degree or nursing diploma. Students will complete the coursework online. They will also be required to complete direct patient care experiences while in their practicum courses. The program has a mentorship requirement embedded in the practicum experience. Students will select a mentor within their place of employment to mentor them through the quality improvement projects. A minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in the BSN degree plan is required for graduation from the program. Graduates will be awarded a BSN degree at the program’s completion.

Program Outline

Credit hours: 30 must be completed at the University
Duration: 3 semesters
Method of instruction: Online

Course titles:

Prerequisites: Math for Social Sciences, General Biology with Lab, Anatomy and Physiology with Lab, Microorganisms and Disease, Fundamentals of Nutrition, Foundations of Nursing Practice, Pharmacotherapeutics, Pathophysiology

Core courses – Introductory Health Assessment, Nursing Care of the Individual, Family Development Stressors, Family Situational Stressors, Role Transition, Nursing Informatics & Technology, Evidence-Based Research, Nursing Leadership & Management, Nursing in the Community

Admission criteria:

  • Must apply for admission to UTEP
  • Must have an active, unencumbered RN license
  • Must complete Phase I University Core Curriculum and/or elective courses
  • Must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.0
  • Must have graduated from an associate degree or diploma in nursing
  • Must sign for the undergraduate RN to BSN handbook
  • Clear a criminal background check and drug screen
  • Complete the immunization requirements/titers
  • Complete CPR certification
  • Must have medical and liability insurance

Program Cost:

Tuition costs $336 per semester credit hour. The cost of books and supplies is not included. Scholarship opportunities are available for nursing students.

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

The R.N. to B.S.N. track offered by TTUHSC is a fully online program. The program is designed to meet the individual needs of different learners. It is open to registered nurses who are already practicing in that capacity. Registered nurses will receive 38 transferable nursing course credits from the associate degree in nursing program. Another 52 credits will be credited for Texas Core Curriculum and prerequisite courses. Graduates will have a total of 120 credit hours and will be awarded the bachelor of science in nursing. Students can complete the program in three consecutive semesters, with admissions cycles in the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Full-time and part-time scheduling options are available. All students must complete the program in two years from the time of initial enrollment.

Program Outline

Credit hours: 32
Duration: 3 semesters
Method of instruction: Online

Course titles:

Prerequisites: Writing and Inquiry, Critical Thinking, College Algebra, Microbiology for Health Sciences, Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Human Anatomy and Physiology II, General, General Psychology, Pharmacology, American History, Humanities Elective, Visual Performing Arts Elective

Core courses – Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice, Nursing Management and Leadership, Information Systems and Quality Management, Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare, Global Health Issues in Nursing, Population Focused Community Health, Informatics in Nursing Practice, Baccalaureate Nursing Practice, Issues and Trends in Nursing

Admission criteria:

  • Submit a completed application for admission to TTUHSC El Paso (GGHSON)
  • Submit official, sealed transcripts from all institutions of higher education
  • Pay the non-refundable application fee of $75
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 for nursing prerequisites – calculated based on 52 credit hours of required prerequisite courses and 38 credit hours of nursing courses
  • Must have completed prerequisite courses with a grade C or better before enrolling in the first nursing course
  • Submit TOEFL scores if applicable
  • Must have an unencumbered RN license
  • Must pay the $150 placement fee upon offer of admission
  • Must attend an online orientation
  • Apply for a student ID – requires notarized ID verification

Program Cost:

Tuition costs $207 per credit hour for Texas residents and $627 per credit hour for non-residents. The average cost of fees and expenses of $733 per semester.

Midwestern State University

Midwestern State University’s RN Transition Program is designed for registered nurses who have an associate’s degree in nursing to enhance their professional skills and increase their value to employers. The program is completely online and is designed to be completed in two or three semesters for full-time students or four semesters if attending part-time. MSU also partners with local community colleges to give students the benefit of concurrent enrollment. Students enrolled in an associate of science in nursing at a community college can complete MSU courses online and complete the degree faster. The student will be awarded the ADN degree at the end of their second year and earn the BSN degree with just one additional year of online study. New students begin in the fall, spring, and summer semester each year. The school is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

Program Outline

Credit hours: 30
Duration: 6 to 12 months
Method of instruction: Online

Course titles:

Prerequisites: Common Concepts of Adult Health, Health Assessment, Mental Health Nursing, Ethics in Healthcare, Maternal and Newborn Nursing and Women’s Health, Care of Children and Families, EBP, Complex Concepts of Adult Health, Pathophysiology, American History, English Composition, Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab, Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab, Microbiology with Lab, Chemistry with Lab, Statistics

Core courses – Transition to the BSN Role, Care Coordination or Data Analysis, Healthcare Organizations and Informatics, Population Focused Community Health, Capstone Project, Leadership Roles Clinical

Admission criteria:

  • Obtain a passing score on the Writing Proficiency Exam
  • Must meet all residency requirements
  • Must review the Nursing Progression Policies in the BSN Handbook
  • Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 for nursing prerequisites
  • Must be Texas Core Complete and meet all BSN prerequisite requirements
  • Must have an active and unencumbered RN license
  • Must have completed an accredited associate of science in nursing or diploma in nursing program
  • Must attend an online orientation

Program Cost:

Tuition costs $298 per unit or $9,111 for the total program. Financing is available for eligible students.