RN to BSN Programs Charlotte, NC

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing opens the door to greater career opportunities, the assumption of more responsibilities, and a higher salary for nurses. Nurses with a BSN degree earn far more than their counterparts who do not pursue an advanced nursing degree. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, BSN nurses earn 30 to 48 percent more than ASN nurses depended on location and the health care facility. As more health care facilities make the BSN a requirement for … Read the rest

North Carolina RN Requirements and Training Programs

Job cuts are unavoidable in a sluggish economy, but there’s at least one profession that remains unaffected by recession: nursing. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to switch jobs, a degree in nursing provides job security in addition to all the other great benefits. The aging baby boomer generation in need of greater medical care is one of the primary reasons for the  rise in the health care jobs. Hospitals and other health care facilities have to expand their … Read the rest

BSN Programs Raleigh, NC

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing is one of two recognized educational avenues to professional nursing. It provides graduates with greater job opportunities than graduates of the Associate of Science in Nursing as hospitals, private practices, clinics, and other health care facilities are more inclined to hire BSN-prepared RNs. Additionally, some employers mandate the BSN – for example school and military nurses. BSN graduates are better prepared to meet the growing complexities in healthcare due to their training in evidence-based … Read the rest

BSN Programs Charlotte, NC

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing is the gateway to a rich and rewarding career in patient care. As a registered nurse, you’ll provide direct, hands-on, safe care to patients to promote health, support restoration, and prevent the effects of common diseases. The BSN degree offers a broad education required for generalists but includes aspects that will enable you to utilize communication, organizational, administrative, and research skills to improve the delivery of care and the lives of patients. While there … Read the rest

ADN Programs Durham, NC

Nursing is one of a few professions that offer financial stability and numerous opportunities for growth, diversity, and career advancement. While those rewards are beneficial in themselves, the best part of the profession for most nurses is that it is personally rewarding. There has never been a better time to enroll in a nursing program and enjoy the best that nursing has to offer. The global COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the demand for nurses to extraordinary heights, making it easier … Read the rest

ADN Programs Greensboro, NC

Nurses care for persons of every ethnicity and religious persuasion. They take a holistic approach to care that includes physical, mental, psychological, and emotional health and well-being. Associate degree in nursing programs cover liberal arts, sciences, and technical nursing courses to help graduates provide quality and safe care to produce the best patient outcomes. Apart from the technical abilities, nurses must demonstrate special skills to know how to prioritize care, collaborate with health care professionals, and practice within the ethical … Read the rest

MSN Programs North Carolina

Higher life expectancy and more complex conditions faced by today’s patients create a need for more nurses prepared at the level of the Master of Science In Nursing (MSN). Graduates can apply for approval or recognition as advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) in North Carolina and work collaboratively with physicians, dentists, and other healthcare providers to treat patients across the life span.

Many states have embraced independent practice for nurse practitioners, a category of APRNs. Sadly, NPs in North Carolina … Read the rest

ADN Programs Charlotte, NC

A career in nursing is a special calling to positively impact the lives of diverse patients. As a registered nurse, you have the opportunity to work with the health care team to restore health and wellness and educate communities in the prevention of diseases. The model of supply and demand also affects the profession of nursing. More than 50 percent of the nursing workforce fall within the Baby Boomer population who are approaching retirement. As older nurses retire, there will … Read the rest

ADN Programs Raleigh, NC

There is a wealth of research that confirms the impact of nurses on public health. According to Gallup Poll surveys published in the last decade, nursing is the most trusted profession based on honesty and ethical standards. The positive perception of the public towards the profession is just one of many reasons for the increase in nursing school admissions. Yet, hundreds of qualified candidates are turned away each year due to limited enrollment in the programs. The Associate Degree in … Read the rest

BSN Programs North Carolina

While all types of nurses are needed, the minimum requirement for registered nurses in hospitals and other settings is the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). The BSN may be inconvenient for those seeking fast entry into nursing, but the requirement will ultimately cause many RNs to return to school to obtain the degree through RN to BSN programs. If you’re just starting out and made the decision to secure the BSN from the get-go, you’ll obtain solid returns … Read the rest

DNP Programs North Carolina

The rapidly changing healthcare landscape impacts the delivery of care in several ways. A worrying issue for health care providers is how to increase the pool of providers to meet demands – especially in the area of primary care. If you’re practicing as an advanced practice nurse, a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree can do much to enhance your career. But before you take the plunge, it is important to understand the plan of study and your career options after … Read the rest

RN to BSN Programs North Carolina

While the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment for nurses will grow 15 percent by 2026, there’s also the suggestion that registered nurses with more education and greater competencies will have the best job prospects. One of the best ways to improve your practice, boost your marketability, and advance your career is to pursue the Bachelor of Science in Nursing through the bridge RN to BSN program.

Entry-level credentials won’t take you far in the competitive field of nursing. … Read the rest