ADN Programs Phoenix, AZ

As licensed health care professionals, registered nurses provide therapeutic and clinical care to support the restoration of health. They work directly with physicians, other nurses, and patients and their families to develop, implement and assess patient care plans, educate, and counsel. Their responsibilities include the assessment of patients to determine their specific needs, maintenance of medical records, development of patient care plans, administration of medication and treatments, advocating for patients, and offering counsel on health maintenance and disease prevention.

The … Read the rest

BSN Programs Phoenix, AZ

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree requires more time in school – at least two years more – and extra tuition than the Associate of Science in Nursing, yet more students are opting for the BSN to benefit from the expanded curriculum, extensive clinical experiences, and better job prospects after graduation. The BSN program covers additional training in the areas of public health, leadership, management, and nursing research giving students a clearer understanding of key concepts in health care … Read the rest

RN to BSN Programs Phoenix, AZ

According to studies published by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, nurses with a BSN degree are better prepared to meet the demand of the complex healthcare system. Healthcare employers seek out BSN-prepared nurses for their skills in critical thinking, leadership, and research as well as their ability to care for patients in various inpatient and outpatient settings. If you’ve been considering positions in Magnet Hospitals, you’re more likely to get hired if you hold a BSN degree. A … Read the rest

Arizona RN Requirements and Training Programs

Demand for health care services is expected to climb in response to the growing needs of retiring baby boomers and health care reform that make healthcare accessible to more people. With more than 900,000 nurses expected to retire in the next decade, the industry will need new nurses to replace them. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the industry will need more than half a million new nurses by 2018. Other experts agree that employment opportunities for nurses remain … Read the rest

ADN Programs Chandler, AZ

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vital role registered nurses hold on the health care team. In the face of uncertainty and risk to life, nurses stood their ground and attended to millions and their families. If the commitment and work of nurses have inspired you, then enrolling in an Associate Degree in Nursing program can put you on the fast-track to becoming part of a health care team. Nursing is a trusted profession with a reputation of honesty and … Read the rest

ADN Programs Mesa, AZ

The Associate of Applied Science in Nursing provides graduates many options in a rewarding profession. It is an excellent starting point if you have a genuine desire to help others. Unlike the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, it provides a fast-track to the licensure exam. Most programs can be completed in two years or just eighteen months for accelerated programs. The ADN program offered as part of the consortium of Maricopa Community College Nursing Programs in Arizona includes a concurrent … Read the rest

ADN Programs Tucson, AZ

The registered nurse workforce comprises of bachelor’s level and associate level nurses. Both are licensed at the same level and their roles may be similar with some overlap. According to health care employers, there is a huge gap in capabilities. This understanding along with an emphatic call for an increase in the BSN workforce saw a surge in BSN qualified nurses in the past decade. The gravitation towards the BSN among prospective nurses has not slowed interest and enrollment in … Read the rest

MSN Programs Arizona

The shortage of primary care practitioners in the United States reduces access to care, which is a huge concern for policymakers. As the population continues to age and health care reforms increase access to coverage, the problem is expected to worsen. Experts agree that nurse practitioners and physician assistants can provide health care services to medically underserved populations and relieve physicians of unnecessary duties which hamper their ability to adequately manage complex patients. Nurse practitioners fall in the category of … Read the rest

RN to BSN Programs Arizona

The overall outlook for nursing remains strong in spite of an uncertain economy. Registered nurses with an associate’s degree manage to find jobs, with a few concessions, and may be unwilling to compromise their precarious positions by returning to school. However, advanced education, in the form of a BSN degree, may be just what RNs need in the evolving field of nursing. As the industry shifts into a new type of healthcare that demands more from nurses, it would be … Read the rest

BSN Programs Arizona

The nursing profession is expected to experience a rapid rate of growth over the next decade in response to the rising healthcare needs of the aging baby boomer generation. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 22 percent employment rate will continue into the next decade, which will result in the addition of another half a million registered nurses to the workforce. The projected figures do not include vacancies left by nurses who retire from their current positions. … Read the rest

DNP Programs Arizona

The American Organization of Nurse Executives projected that the healthcare system would be short of 1 million nurses by 2015. They also predicted a national shortage of other health care providers, such as medical doctors, pharmacists, and respiratory care providers. As the number of general practice physicians and critical care physicians decrease across the nation, advanced practice nurses, with a DNP degree can fill the void by caring for patients in a variety of settings. They work primarily in nurse-managed … Read the rest