DNP Programs New York

The urgent need for more healthcare professionals is impacting the delivery of healthcare across America. The exploding baby boomer population coupled with a shortage of professionals to supply preventative care and health education to communities places undue strain on the existing workforce. New York is one of many states where there’s a shortage of primary care physicians, and the unavailability of primary care will go up as more residents acquire health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.

The Institute of … Read the rest

DNP Programs Illinois

Patients’ health and well-being fall in the hands of nurses. As the state of Illinois revisits the role of nurses in primary care in response to the rising cost of healthcare, state health reform, and changing demographics, nurses will play an even bigger role in providing high quality, cost-effective care. Advanced practice nurses are being called upon to fulfill new roles in the redesigned health system despite the requirement for a collaborative agreement between APNs and physicians. Unfortunately, the shortage … Read the rest