There has never been a better time to pursue a career in nursing. There is a constant demand for nurses, especially those holding a bachelor’s degree. If you’re starting out as a BSN nurse, you’ll have a definitive advantage over the competition and access to the best jobs. BSN nurses qualify for more than 80% of available positions in hospitals, clinics, and extended care facilities. As far as hospital jobs go, the BSN is preferred as hospitals seek to obtain and maintain their Magnet status. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, careers in nursing are expected to grow 9% through 2030. Nurses with a BSN degree earned a median pay of $77,600 per year. Whether you’re starting out with a BSN or completing the degree through an RN to BSN program, the decision will qualify you to work in multiple healthcare environments and advance to higher degrees to become an advanced practice.
Wayne State University
The Traditional BSN pathway at Wayne State University is open to adults who are pursuing their bachelor’s degree. The immersive program combines on-campus lectures from expert faulty with community-focused research and clinical experiences at healthcare agencies in the Detroit area. Clinical placement each semester is a guarantee for every student. Students must complete the required 121 credit hours through the College of Nursing and general education coursework to meet the degree requirements. Graduates are eligible to apply to sit for the NCLEX for Registered Nurses. New students are admitted once a year.
Program Outline
Semester credits: 121
Duration: 3 years (6 semesters)
Method of instruction: Traditional
Course titles:
Preprofessional courses – Basic Life Mechanisms, Anatomy and Physiology, General, Organic and Biochemistry, Introductory College Writing, Elements of Psychology, Health Psychology, Nutrition and Health, Quantitative Experience
Courses – Pathophysiology Related to Nursing, Health Assessment, Nursing Implications of Drug Administration, Intermediate Composition, Fundamentals of Nursing Care, Foundations of Professional Nursing, Introduction to Research and Evidence-based Practice, Principles of Microbiology + Lab, Comprehensive Nursing Care of the Adult I, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Nursing Informatics, Nursing Care of the Adult II, Integrative Care of Children and Their Families, Transcultural Health Through the Life Cycle, Integrative Care of Women’s Health and the Perinatal Family, Leadership and Management in Nursing, Care of the Critically Ill Patient, Synthesis of Core Nursing Knowledge, Community Focused Nursing Practice
Admission criteria:
- Apply to WSU before applying for admission to the Nursing Program
- Apply to the College of Nursing through a secondary application which opens in September
- Pay the application of $50 to the College of Nursing
- Must submit answers to the four questions – not to exceed 250 words
- Must provide information detailing earned grades, term taken and additional information
- Submit a completed Traditional BSN Prerequisite Verification Form
- Provide proof of Healthcare Related Service Experience – must have completed a minimum of 10 hours of healthcare related service. Service must be completed within one year of the application deadline
- Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA based on prerequisite courses only and a minimum of grade C or higher. All prerequisites must be completed by June 1
Program Cost:
Tuition costs $412.53 per credit hour for lower division students. Students must also budget additional costs for books, supplies, uniforms, and fees.
- Website: https://wayne.edu/
- Address: 5557 Cass Avenue, Detroit, MI 48202
- Phone: 313-577-4082
- Fax: 313-577-6949
- NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 89%
University of Detroit Mercy
The McAuley School of Nursing at the University of Detroit provides students with a high-quality nursing education to function as registered nurses in various health care settings. The program leads to a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing and includes an education in liberal arts and professional preparation courses that focus developing the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. First-year students are admitted directly into the School of Nursing and begin clinical rotations in the sophomore year. Students also benefit from weekly reviews from Peer Educators and open labs to practice motor skills. Simulation labs also create exposure to real-time health care experiences to develop critical thinking. Graduates will be well-rounded, compassionate professionals who will bring skills and knowledge to the workplace. They will be prepared for success on the NCLEX for Registered Nurses.
Program Outline
Semester credits: 126
Duration: 4 years (8 terms)
Method of instruction: Traditional
Course titles:
Prerequisite/general education courses – Principles of Human Anatomy & Physiology I, Principles of Human Anatomy & Physiology I, General, Organic and Biological Chemistry for the Health Sciences, Algebra, Academic Writing, Intro to Psychology, Freshman Success, Principles of Human Anatomy & Physiology II, Principles of Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab II, Intro to Sociology, Speech, Intro to Philosophy, Freshman Success, Microbiology & Lab
Courses – Pathophysiology, Intro to Nursing Practice in the Mercy & Jesuit Traditions, Nutrition, Religious Knowledge, Lifespan Developmental Psychology, Health Assessment & Physical Examination, Fundamentals of Nursing Practice, Fundamental Skills Lab, Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum, Population Health and Epidemiology, Nursing Informatics, Mental Health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing Practicum, Medical Surgical Nursing I, Medical Surgical Nursing Practicum, Pharmacology I, Applied Statistics for Nursing, Philosophy or Religious Depth, Medical Surgical Nursing II, Medical Surgical Nursing II Practicum, Pharmacology II, Maternal Child Nursing, Maternal Child Nursing Practicum, Health Care Ethics, Historical Experience, Pediatric Nursing, Pediatric Nursing Practicum, Community Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing Practicum, Research and Evidence-Based Practice, Literary Experience, Nursing Leadership, Nursing Leadership Immersion, Professional Practice from Mercy and Jesuit Traditions, Senior Seminar, Aesthetic Experience
Admission criteria:
- Must meet the general entrance requirements of the University
- Must have completed at least four units of English, two units of laboratory science, two units of mathematics, and two units of history and/or social science within the high school curriculum
- Must have an overall cumulative GPA of 2.5 and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in high school mathematics and science courses
- Must have a minimum score of 21 on the ACT or a score of 1060 on the SAT
- Must have the abilities and skills in five categories: communication, motor, intellectual, and behavioral/social
- Complete and submit documentation of all Alliance for Clinical Education Matching and Placement Program
- Must complete a health history and physical exam
- Provide evidence of immunization according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for health care providers
- Complete a criminal background check and urine drug screen
- Must maintain health insurance for illness and injury
Program Cost:
Tuition costs $1,129 per credit hour for students completing 1-11 credit hours or $15,077 flat rate per term for US, Canada, and Mexico citizens completing 12 to 18 credit hours.
- Website: https://www.udmercy.edu/index.php
- Address: 4001 W. McNichols Road, Detroit, MI 48221-3038
- NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 88%
University of Michigan – School of Nursing
At the U-M School of Nursing prepares adults to become nurses capable of delivering patient care than meets and exceeds the highest standards in the industry. The curriculum was developed and is continually honed by relevant thought leaders in nursing. Students will not only become the most highly skilled nurses but also complex problem solvers who can flourish in any clinical environment. The program covers nearly 1,000 hours of hands-on clinical experiences and courses led by internationally recognized scientists and practitioners. Graduates will be prepared to sit for the NCLEX for Registered Nurses.
Program Outline
Semester credits: 128
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Method of instruction: Traditional
Course titles:
Preprofessional courses – Human Anatomy and Physiology, Anatomy and Physiology Lab, Introduction to Developmental Psychology,
Courses – Descriptive Biochemistry, BSN Elective Course, English 124/125 or Other First-Year Writing Course, Nursing Seminar, Community, Groups & Teams, Introduction to Psychology, BSN Elective Course, Context of Care I, Health Assessment, Health Assessment Lab, Introduction to Clinical, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Pathophysiology, Culture of Health, Pharmacology, Evaluating Data & Evidence, Therapeutic Nursing Care I Lecture, Therapeutic Nursing Care I Clinical, BSN Elective/Minor Course, Reproductive Health, Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nursing, Reproductive Health Clinical, Infant, Child & Adolescent Nursing Clinical, BSN Elective/Minor Course, Population Health, Leadership Professional Practice, Context of Care II, Population Health Clinical, Leadership Professional Practice Clinical, BSN Elective/Minor Course, Therapeutic Nursing Care III, Role Transition, Therapeutic Nursing Care III Clinical
Admission criteria:
- Apply to U-M before applying for admission to the Nursing Program
- Apply to the College of Nursing through a secondary application
- Submit official high school transcripts
- Complete the essay questions
- Obtain a school counselor report
- Provide a teacher recommendation with the completed application
- Submit satisfactory ACT or SAT scores
- Must complete a health history and physical exam
- Provide evidence of immunization according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for health care providers
- Complete a criminal background check and urine drug screen
- Must maintain health insurance for illness and injury
Program Cost:
Tuition costs $1,018 per credit hour or $7,912 per term flat rate for 12 to 18 credits. Students must also budget additional costs for books, supplies, uniforms, and fees. Financial aid is available for eligible students.
- Website: https://nursing.umich.edu/
- Address: 426 N. Ingalls St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Phone: (734) 763-5985
- NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 97%
Davenport University
The bachelor of science in nursing: pre-licensure program at Davenport University provides students with a solid foundation to begin a career in nursing. The program includes preparation for the licensing exam and builds a solid foundation for a future in nursing. Freshman applicants obtain a seat in the program with no prerequisites, which gives them opportunity to commence nursing courses and gain hands-on experience during their sophomore year. The curriculum covers a range of courses including advanced cardiac life support training and the opportunity to complete two specialties during the medical/surgical rotation. Graduates will be eligible to take the NCLEX for Registered Nurses. The Davenport’s Employment Guarantee assures students of successful employment within six months of graduation.
Program Outline
Semester credits: 120
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Method of instruction: Traditional
Course titles:
Preprofessional courses – AchieveCareer/Education Success, Foundations of Cell Biology, Foundations of Cell Biology Lab, Anatomy and Physiology I, Anatomy and Physiology I Lab, Anatomy and Physiology II, Anatomy and Physiology II Lab, Foundations of Chemistry, Foundations of Chemistry Lab, Presentation Techniques, Introductory Psychology, Introduction to Biostatistics, College Mathematics, Composition, Advanced Composition, Microbiology, Microbiology Lab, Pathophysiology, Introduction to Health Careers, Health Care Law and Ethics, Developmental Psychology, Diversity in Society, Case Management Fundamentals (optional)
Courses – Foundations of Nursing/Critical Thinking, Foundations of Nursing/Critical Thinking Clinical, Pharmacology I, Pharmacology II, Nutrition in Nursing, Nursing Care of Adults I, Nursing Care of Adults I Clinical, Nursing Care of Adults I Lab, Health Promotion and Education, Health Assessment in Nursing, Health Assessment in Nursing Lab, Mental Health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing Clinical, Nursing Care of Adults II, Nursing Care of Adults II Clinical, Nursing Care of Adults II Lab, Nursing of Childbearing Family, Nursing of Childbearing Family Clinical, Nursing Care of Children, Nursing Care of Children Clinical, Nursing Care of Children Lag, Evidence Based Nursing Practice, Community Health Nursing, Nursing Health Nursing Clinical, Nurse Manager and Leaders, Nurse Manager and Leader Clinical, Nursing Capstone
Admission criteria:
- Submit a Davenport University Application
- Submit official transcripts from Colleges, Universities, or Nursing Programs – if applicable
- Complete the ATI TEAS with acceptable scores
- Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
- Submit an application to the nursing program through NURS CAS
- Provide two professional references
- Complete a professional statement
- Must complete a health history and physical exam
- Provide evidence of immunization according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for health care providers
- Complete a criminal background check and urine drug screen
- Must maintain health insurance for illness and injury
Program Cost:
Tuition costs $929 per credit hour. Students must also budget additional costs for books, supplies, uniforms, and fees. Grants and scholarships, including a $5,700 nursing scholarship, are available.
- Website: https://www.davenport.edu/
- Address: 6191 Kraft Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512
- Phone: 800.686.1600
- Email: info@davenport.edu
- NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 93%
Michigan State University – College of Nursing
The Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing program offered by MSU- College of Nursing is open to students who have completed 28 credits and perquisite coursework. The full-time program combines classroom and clinical learning to prepare students for success as a registered nurse. The clinical rotations commence in the second semester of the program. The program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and approved by the Michigan Board of Nursing. Graduates qualify to take the NCLEX-RN, the licensure examination for eligibility to become a registered nurse. Students may apply for admission to the program after or while in progress of completion the 28 credits of prerequisite coursework.
Program Outline
Semester credits: 120
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Method of instruction: Traditional
Course titles:
Courses – Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Human Nutrition, Lifespan Development in the Family, Chemistry Lab, Microbiology, Microbiology Lab, Pharmacology, Statistical Methods, Intro to Professional Nursing, Clinical Pathophysiology, Nursing Care of Acute and Chronically Ill Patients I, Health Promotion, Nursing Care of Acute and Chronically Ill Patients II, Research, Ethics, and Evidence-Based Practice I, Behavioral Health Nursing, Nursing Care of Acute and Chronically Ill Patients III, Nursing Care of Children and Their Families, Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family, Research, Ethics, and Evidence-Based Practice II, Leadership in Clinical Practice, Public Health Nursing
Admission criteria:
- Submit an application for admission to MSU
- Complete the pre-nursing courses and progress toward completing university required coursework – General Chemistry, Cells and Molecules, Anatomy, Writing as Inquiry, College Algebra
- Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher in each of the admission prerequisites
- Submit two completed reference forms
- Complete a personal narrative
- Submit a curriculum vitae or resume and evidence of relevant community service or work experience
Program Cost:
Tuition costs $1,018 per credit hour or $7,912 per term flat rate for 12 to 18 credits. Students must also budget additional costs for books, supplies, uniforms, and fees. Financial aid is available for eligible students.
- Website: https://www.msu.edu/
- Address: 1355 Bogue Street, Room A218, East Lansing, MI 48824
- Phone: (800) 605-6424
- Email: CON.nurse@msu.edu
- NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 93%
Arizona College – Dallas Campus
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Arizona College prepares students for a thriving career as a registered nurse. The curriculum combines classroom and hands-on learning that seeks to develop the professionalism and soft skills required by today’s employers. Hands-on learning will take place in the simulation and learning laboratories and at clinical agencies. Critical thinking and clinical judgement are essential to success as a registered nurse, and the program seeks to develop these through web-based education applications such as virtual simulations, interactive e-books, video case studies, and personalized learning platforms. Graduates will be eligible to take the NCLEX for licensure as a Registered Nurse. New cohorts begin every 8 weeks.
Program Outline
Semester credits: 120
Duration: 3 years
Method of instruction: Traditional
Course titles:
General education courses – Fundamentals of Biology, Introduction to Psychology, College Mathematics, First Year Composition I, Human Anatomy and Physiology I, First Year Composition II, Critical Inquiry & Literacy or Introduction to American Politics, Human Anatomy and Physiology II, Statistics, Human Development, Introductory Chemistry, Cultural Diversity & Global Health
Core courses – Human Pathophysiology, Human Nutrition, Microbiology, Critical Thinking in Decision-Making, Ethics & Legal Standards in Nursing Practice I, Theoretical Foundation in Nursing Practice and Practicum Health Assessment, Interprofessional Communications, Leadership for Quality and Patient Safety I, Ethics & Legal Standards in Nursing Practice II, Pharmacology I, Acute & Chronic Health Disruption in Adult I and Practicum, Mental Health Theory and Application + Practicum, Evidence-Based Practice I, Pharmacology II, Evidence-Based Practice II, Leadership for Quality & Patient Safety II, Acute & Chronic Health Disruption in Adult II and Practicum, Community Health Nursing and Practicum, Maternal Health Theory and Application & Practicum, Pediatric Health Theory and Application & Practicum, Ethics & Legal Standards in Nursing Practice III, Evidence-Based Practice III, Leadership for Quality & Patient Safety III, Transition to the Profession, Acute & Chronic Health Disruption in Adult III & Practicum, Professional Seminar, Evidence-Based Practice IV, Leadership for Quality & Patient Safety IV
Admission criteria:
- Must have a high school or college GPA of 2.75
- Take and pass the admission assessment with a minimum score of 60 (HESI A2)
- Submit a completed application for enrollment to the nursing program
- Have a GPA of at least 2.75 with at least 12 college credits from an accredited institution
- Submit a signed transcript release form for all colleges and universities attended
- Provide proof of United States citizenship, alien status, or legal residency
- Complete a “Passion Statement” describing the applicant’s interest in professional nursing and reason for choosing Arizona College
- Obtain a minimum grade C on prerequisite courses
- Pass a status background check (including fingerprinting) and urine drug screen
Program Cost:
Tuition for the program is $93,000. The registration fee is $49 and the resource fee of $640. The resource fee includes ATI exam, initial membership for the NSNA, science lab supplies, nursing pin, NCLEX review and textbook.
- Website: https://www.arizonacollege.edu/
- Address: 26400 Lahser Rd #400, Southfield, MI 48033
- Phone: (313) 284-6729
- NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 90%
Baker College
Baker College prepares registered nursing students with the clinical skills, understanding of the human body, and communication skills to work with different types of people. The curriculum combines humanities, science, and nursing practice to give students a well-rounded range of skills to succeed in the profession. Program benefits include hands-on activities in high-tech labs and real clinical settings, mentorship from experienced clinicians who will cover everything from patient care to administration and education, and preparation for success on the nursing licensure exam. Graduates will be prepared to work in various health care settings. Enrollment in the program is limited and admission is competitive.
Program Outline
Semester credits: 120
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Method of instruction: Traditional
Course titles:
Prerequisite courses – Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab, Human Anatomy and Physiology II, Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab, Pathophysiology, Composition and Critical Thinking I, Composition and Critical Thinking II, General Education Elective, Introduction to Health Professions, Quantitative Literacy, Self and Society
General education courses – Art Appreciation, Music Appreciation, Integrated Seminar, Statistical Methods, Personal, Civic and Global Perspectives, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Introduction to Healthcare Informatics, Nutrition, Developmental Psychology
Major courses – Fundamentals of Nursing for the BSN, Health Assessment for the BSN, Pharmacology and Medication Administration for the BSN, Medical Surgical Nursing, Evidence Based Practice, Community Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing II, Child and Family Nursing, Maternal Child Nursing, Nursing Pathophysiology, Medical Surgical Nursing III, Nursing Leadership, Nursing Synthesis, Global Health Study Abroad
Admission criteria:
- Submit an application for admission to Baker College
- Provide a copy of high school transcripts
- Must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and a minimum 2.7 grade or higher in biology and one other science
- Complete the prerequisite courses with a minimum GPA of 3.0
- Complete the required aptitude test
- Submit a Health Science Limited Enrollment Application
Program Cost:
Tuition costs $435 per credit hour. Students must also budget additional funds for books, supplies, uniforms, and fees. High-performing incoming freshmen may qualify for guaranteed enrollment and a $6,000-per-year scholarship through the direct admission program.
- Website: https://www.baker.edu/
- Address: 1020 S Washington St, Owosso, MI 48867
- Phone: (800) 964-4299
- NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 78%
Chamberlain University
Chamberlain College of Nursing’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) offers three different schedules for students wishing to complete the registered nursing degree. The traditional campus BSN may be completed in three years – including summer sessions. An evening/weekend option and hybrid option is also available. The program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and includes classroom theory and hands-on experiences at the SIMCARE Center and local health care facilities. The school guarantees no wait-lists or prerequisite courses, intimate class sizes, and personalized attention to support students’ success. Graduates will receive a BSN degree and will be eligible to take the NCLEX for Registered Nurses.
Program Outline
Semester credits: 122
Duration: 3 years
Method of instruction: Traditional
Course titles:
Courses – Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab, Algebra for College Students, Transition to the Nursing Profession, Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab, Culture & Society, English Composition, Anatomy and Physiology III with Lab, Advanced English Composition, Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology IV with Lab, Lifespan Development, Health & Wellness, Intro to General, Organic & Biological Chemistry with Lab, Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab, Critical Reasoning, Interpersonal Communication, Health Assessment I, Pathophysiology, Health Assessment II, Fundamentals – Skills, Fundamentals – Patient Care, Pharmacology for Nursing Practice, Adult Health I, Nutrition, Health & Wellness, Adult Health II, Mental Health Nursing, Information Systems in Healthcare, Pediatric Nursing, Applied Managerial Statistics, Maternal Child Nursing, Political Science, Complex Adult Health, Evidence-Based Practice, Community Health Nursing, Principles of Ethics, Collaborative Healthcare, Humanities Elective, Capstone Course, History Elective
Admission criteria:
- Complete an application for admission
- Attend an interview with a Chamberlain admission representative
- Provide proof of graduating from high school with a minimum CGPA of 2.75 on the 4.0 scale
- Obtain a minimum score of 73 on the A2 Admission Assessment test
- Clear a drug screen
- Submit to a background check and fingerprint check
- Maintain liability insurance throughout the program
Program Cost:
Tuition for the BSN program costs $699 per credit hour or $85,278 for the entire program (if completing in the normal time). The application fee is $95 and includes HESI Admission Assessment. Additional costs include textbook, supplies, background check, drug screen, fingerprinting, health screening, immunizations, injury and sickness insurance, and clinical related fees.
- Website: https://www.chamberlain.edu/
- Address: 200 Kirts Blvd Suite C, Troy, MI 48084
- Toll Free: 877-751-5783
- NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 84%
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Michigan University offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program that prepares students for employment in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, community health nursing, and more. Learning will take place in the classroom, in the simulation lab, real-life clinical settings. Emphasis will be in the areas of mental health, medical surgical, pediatrics, maternal newborn, and community. Students will have the skills to enter the workforce with confidence and serve patients with excellence. Graduates will be prepared to take the NCLEX for licensure as a registered nurse and continue on to higher degrees to become assume an advanced practice role.
Program Outline
Semester credits: 120
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Method of instruction: Traditional
Course titles:
Prerequisite courses – Nutrition for Health Professionals, Microbiology for Health Professionals, Clinical Microbiology, Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab, Human Anatomy and Physiology II, Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab, Introduction to Sociology, Fundamentals of Organic and Biochemistry, English Composition, Life Span Human Growth and Development, General Education QR Requirement, Introduction to Professional Nursing, Nutrition for Health Professionals, Microbiology for Health Professionals
Major courses – The Art and Science of Nursing, The Art and Science of Nursing I Clinical, Health Assessment and Physical Examination, The Art and Science of Nursing II, The Art and Science of Nursing II Laboratory, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Essentials of Professional Nursing Practice, Nursing Care of Childbearing Families, Nursing Care of Childbearing Families Clinical, Child/Family Health Nursing, Child Family Health Nursing Laboratory, Adult Health Nursing I, Adult Health Nursing I Clinical, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Clinical, Nursing Research, Essentials of Professional Nursing Practice II, Adult Health Nursing II, Adult Health Nursing II Clinical, Community Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing Clinical, Essentials of Professional Nursing Practice III
Admission criteria:
- Submit an application for admission to EMU
- Must complete the prerequisite courses with a minimum GPA of 2.8
- Take and pass the ATI TEAS – Reading – 69%, Math – 63%, Science – 46%, English 60%
- Attend a virtual information session
- Schedule an appointment for advising
Program Cost:
Tuition costs $6,975 per semester for resident students. The registration fee is $55. Other costs for books, supplies, admissions exam, and fees are not included.
- Website: https://www.emich.edu/index.php
- Address: Ypsilanti, MI, USA 48197
- Phone: 734.487.1849
- NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 95%
Oakland University
The Oakland University School of Nursing Undergraduate Program Basic-BSN track provides students with a nursing education that meets the highest standards of the profession. The curriculum will foster professional development through the application of the nursing process to develop, implement, and evaluate patient-centered care across the lifespan, integrate the concepts of evidence-based practice into the delivery of nursing care, and nurture a commitment to lifelong learning. Students will participate in several clinical experiences in the Southeastern Michigan area. Graduates will be prepared for success on the NCLEX-RN and to advance in their professional nursing careers.
Program Outline
Semester credits: 125
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Method of instruction: Traditional
Course titles:
Prerequisite courses – Elementary Algebra, Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Chemical Principles, Biology I, Composition I, Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry, Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, Western Civilization, Composition II, Foundations of Contemporary Psychology
Major courses – Introduction to Professional Nursing, Health Assessment Lab, Pathophysiology, Introduction to Human Microbiology, Pharmacology, Fundamentals of Nursing Practice, Intro to Life Span Development Psychology, General Education, Nursing Care of Adults I, Nursing Care of Individuals with Behavioral and Mental Health Disorders, Research for Evidence Based Practice, General Education, Nursing Care of Adults II, Nursing Care of Childbearing Family, Informatics for Nursing Practice, General Education, Nursing Care of Communities and Families, Nursing Car of the Childbearing Family, General Education, Nursing Capstone, Nursing Elective, General Education
Admission criteria:
- Must be admitted to Oakland University and have an email account set up
- Complete the prerequisite courses with a minimum GPA of 3.0
- Submit a BSN application
- Must submit an essay
- Provide a completed professional reference form
- Complete a character assessment
- Submit official transcripts including test scores by the admission deadline
- Complete the health requirement packet including immunization and physical exam
- Complete a criminal background check and drug screen
Program Cost:
Tuition costs $492.50 per credit hour for resident students. The cost for books and supplies is additional. Financial aid is available for eligible students.
- Website: https://www.oakland.edu/
- Address: 433 Meadow Brook Road, Rochester, MI 48309-4452
- Phone: (248) 364-8733
- NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 91%