Kansas RN Requirements and Training Programs

Registered nursing programs prepare adults to care for the sick, injured, and aged. The extensive training, when combined with compassion and selflessness, makes for proficiency and success in the field. While the physician’s focus is on healing, nurses care for patients’ emotional and physical health. They build up patients’ hope and courage, share the pain and anguish of the family, and closely monitor patients’ response to treatments, which could be a lifesaving work in itself.

The associate degree in nursing program is a pre-licensure program that prepares adults for entry-level practice as a registered nurse. Graduates are eligible to take the NCLEX for licensure by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. Although the KSBN accepts the ADN as the minimum requirement for licensure, employers and nursing associations are seeking to increase the professional knowledge of registered nurses. Therefore, the ADN should be a stepping-stone to the baccalaureate and other degrees in nursing. Nurses who are educated at the baccalaureate degree and beyond are prepared to use critical thinking to take swift action when the need arises.

There’s been much emphasis placed on nurses’ education, but as you prepare to enter the profession, you should critically examine your personality to see if you have what it takes to succeed. You must be observant, empathetic, tolerant, selfless, and patient. A love for people, flexible, and selflessness are some other indispensible qualities that successful nurses exhibit. As caregivers, nurses may be in need of care themselves. Working 10 to 12 hours a day, standing long hours, bending, and lifting can be physically demanding. For this reason, nurses must be physically fit to manage the demands on their bodies.

There is a multitude of good reasons to choose nursing. A desire to help others, a positive encounter with a caring nurse, a career that promises longevity and advancement, and the satisfaction or restoring health are just some reasons people choose this path. The joys of nursing overshadow the challenges and make patient care worthwhile. As long as humanity exists, there will be a need for nurses. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for nurses is projected to increase 15% from 2016 to 2026, which is faster than the average for all occupations.

Kansas Nursing Programs

Education Requirements

The Associate’s degree in Nursing, or ADN, represents the minimum education a prospective nurse must complete to sit the NCLEX for licensure as a registered nurse. The program is available at community colleges and vocational schools across Kansas and consists of theory and practical training in a clinical setting.

The ADN curriculum requires completion of 64 to 72 credit hours including prerequisites. Courses include human lifespan development, essential nursing concepts, mental health nursing, fundamentals of professional nursing, adult nursing, maternal-child nursing, medical surgical nursing, health assessment, and obstetric nursing. Hands-on practice in a simulated lab will give students the opportunity to put the theory into practical use and prepare for the direct patient care in a clinical setting.

The clinical internship is an integral part of the ADN program. This portion of the program will be conducted at an off-site facility, such as a hospital, clinic, or long-term care facilities. During the clinical, students will develop patient care skills as they’re closely monitored by a member of faculty. At the conclusion of the program, graduates will be prepared to promote health, counsel patients in disease prevention, and develop, implement, and evaluate patient care plans. They will also be able to make critical decisions, offer emotional support to patients and their families, communicate effectively with members of the patient care team to reduce risks, and use best practices to improve the quality of care. Registered nurses work in hospitals, home health, long-term care, physicians’ offices, schools, clinics, and correctional facilities.

Eligibility Criteria

Enrolling in an associate degree in nursing program can be competitive due to the volume of interest in the program. A waiting list is not uncommon, but you can improve your chances of immediate acceptance if you complete the prerequisite courses and gain experience in healthcare through volunteer or paid hours in the capacity of a nursing assistant or other healthcare provider.

Submit the application before the application deadline for the semester in which you plan to enroll. Some schools may employ a rank system to determine who gets admitted to the program. After acceptance to the program, you’ll need to submit documentation of meeting the health, immunization, and CPR requirements. You might also need to consent to a criminal background check and drug screen for participation in the clinical component of the program.

The admission requirements for the ADN program include the following:

  • Submit a completed application for admission to the college
  • Submit an application for admission to the ADN program
  • Submit official high school transcript or state-approved equivalent
  • Obtain minimum scores on a placement test
  • Complete the prerequisite courses with a grade C or better
  • Have an unencumbered Kansas CNA certificate
  • Attend a nursing program orientation

Duration and Cost

The best place to start is to compare the costs at your local community colleges and vocational schools. Look beyond the advertised costs to see what is included in the tuition. There is a great difference in price between schools, with public schools being the most affordable. Prerequisite courses, shorter program length, and additional costs for uniform, textbooks, and supplies are just a few factors that will influence costs. Students need to budget for transport to the clinical site and nursing school supplies, such as white shoes, stethoscope, scrubs, liability insurance, parking permits, and other incidentals.

Kansas RN Licensure Requirements

It is mandatory that you have a license before you practice nursing in Kansas. You must not practice professional nursing in Kansas until a permanent license or temporary permit has been issued by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. Practice without a license is a violation of the statute and will be subject to prosecution. Holding a valid license from another state does not grant the privilege to practice nursing in Kansas.

Licensure By Examination

The application must be completed in full and submitted with the appropriate fee. Do not leave blank spaces unless the question is optional. Mail the original application – no copies will be accepted. Submit the application for the licensure exam and the application for the NCLEX at least 30 days before graduating from the program. List the anticipated date of the graduation on the application.

Complete the following to obtain approval to sit the RN examination:

  • Register with Pearson Vue and pay the $200 fee.
  • Complete the application and submit to the Kansas Board of Nursing.
  • Enclose the application fee of $75. Make check or money order payable to the Kansas Board of Nursing.
  • Request a “test before transcript” from your nursing program, which will allow you to test prior to graduation.
  • Request submission of your official transcript from the nursing program directly to the Board. The transcript must include your legal name, degree awarded, and date of graduation and degree earned. The nursing program may send the transcripts electronically to the KKSBN using Parchment or National Student Clearinghouse or mailed directly to the Board at the address provided below.
  • The name used to register with Pearson Vue must be used to apply for the exam.
  • Provide your social security number. You must have a social security number to obtain a license to practice.
  • Complete a criminal background check. Contact the KSBN offices to request a fingerprint card and waivers to be sent via mail. You must also visit the KSN to have the live scan of your fingerprints done for an additional $7.50. The criminal background check fee is $48.
  • Submit an explanatory letter regarding each conviction and/or disciplinary/administrative action. Indicate the date of criminal offense or disciplinary action, circumstances leading to the arrest or disciplinary action, actual sentence or board order, current status of the sentence or order, and rehabilitation – if any.

The application for initial licensure will be active for six months while waiting for qualification documents. If the application expires, you’ll need to file a new application along with the appropriate fee. The Board will base the expiration date on the date of receipt.

NCLEX Special Testing Accommodation

You may request special accommodations for the exam if you’re eligible. Submit the request to the Board within 15 calendar days of the application being submitted. Your letter requesting accommodation must be accompanied by documentation validating your need for accommodation. The documentation must include a written report of an evaluation (no more than 5 years) conducted by a licensed professional and indicating diagnosis of the disability, description of the disability, and recommendation of specific accommodations. You must also submit a written statement from the Nursing Program Director describing the testing accommodations granted while you were enrolled in the program.

Nurses Educated in Foreign Countries

If you graduated from a foreign nursing school, you must submit your education and licensure credentials to the commission on graduates of foreign nursing schools (CGFNS) or another Board-approved agency for evaluation. If the nursing program was delivered in a language other than English, you must demonstrate proficiency in English by passing the Test of English as a Foreign Language and the Test of Spoken English or similar examinations.

The report from the approved Credentialing Agency must be sent directly to the Kansas State Board of Nursing. After the CGFNS evaluates your education and registration credentials to determine that you meet the registration requirements for licensure as a professional, a CGFNS Professional Report must be sent to the KSBN.

Minimum scores for the TOEFL exam are:

Writing – 20

Speaking – 20

Reading – 19

Listening – 20

Results must be sent directly to the KSBN using the code number 9149 in the results reporting list.

The applicant for licensure must write the NCLEX-RN for licensure in Kansas.

Licensure By Endorsement

If you’re licensed as a registered nurse in another US state or territory, you may apply for licensure by endorsement to practice in Kansas.

Use the following guidelines to apply for endorsement in Kansas:

  • Complete the application and submit to the Kansas Board of Nursing.
  • Enclose the application fee of $75. Make check or money order payable to the Kansas Board of Nursing.
  • Provide documentation of completed a professional nursing program in the United States or its territories or from a nursing program in a foreign country that is approved by the KSBN. The nursing program must have provided clinical experience across the lifespan that encouraged students to participate in nursing activities guided by a member of the faculty.
  • Documentation of obtaining licensure by examination in another jurisdiction that utilized the State Board Test Pool Examination (SBTPE) or National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) as the licensing tool.
  • Provide an Affidavit of Work Hours completed by your employer and notarized to validate that you have worked a minimum of 1,000 hours as an RN. The Affidavit of Work Hours is necessary if the nursing program did not document clinical experiences across the life span. Your licensure as an RN in another state and practice of at least 1,000 hours as an RN will grant you eligibility for licensure by endorsement in Kansas.
  • Provide your social security number. You must have a social security number to obtain a license to practice.
  • Complete a criminal background check. Contact the KSBN offices to request a fingerprint card and waivers to be sent via mail. You must also visit the KSN to have the live scan of your fingerprints done for an additional $7.50. The criminal background check fee is $48.
  • Submit an explanatory letter regarding each conviction and/or disciplinary/administrative action. Indicate the date of criminal offense or disciplinary action, circumstances leading to the arrest or disciplinary action, actual sentence or board order, current status of the sentence or order, and rehabilitation – if any.
  • Request verification of your original nursing license. Use NURSYS if your licensing state participates or use the verification form if it does not.

The application for initial licensure will be active for six months while waiting for qualification documents. If the application expires, you’ll need to file a new application along with the appropriate fee. The Board will base the expiration date on the date of receipt.

Temporary Permit

The Board may grant a120-day temporary permit at its discretion. The permit is non-renewable and permits employment as a registered nurse in the state while the application is in process. The permit will be valid for 120 days or until the permit or permanent license is issued. Before the Board issues a temporary permit, you must submit the following to the Kansas State Board of Nursing:

  • A completed endorsement application and fee
  • A criminal background check fingerprint waivers and fee
  • Proof of current licensure in another state.

Your request for a temporary permit may be denied for several reasons. These include a criminal history, no social security number, disciplinary action taken by a licensing authority, or under investigation or disciplinary action pending in Kansas.

Renewal Requirements

Your Kansas registered nursing license will expire on the last day of your birth month in an odd or even year depending on the year you were born.

You may renew your license online or by mail. To use to online renewal portal, you must create an account on ksbn.org. You may not be eligible to renew your license online if your license is Inactive or Exempt or you have not completed the required 30 hours of Continuing Nursing Education.

When submitting your application for renewal, ensure:

  • All blank fields are completed in blue or black ink
  • Include your license number and indicate all the licenses you wish to renew
  • You signed an and dated the application
  • You completed the continuing education approved by the Board of Nursing
  • You enclose the appropriate fee – $55
  • Provide certified copies of all additional documents
  • Your license is still active on the date that application is postmarked.

Renewal may take up to two weeks to process.

Continuing Education Requirements for Kansas RNs

You must complete 30 hours of approved Continuing Nursing Education every two years to renew your license. The CNE requirement must be completed before submitting an application for renewal. The CNE transcript must indicate the number of hours of approved CNE that you successfully completed. It must also clearly designate the CNE offering, provider name or name of the accrediting organization, number, offering date, and your name and license number. Retain a copy of your certificates to present in the event of an audit.

Kansas Salary and Job Outlook

The national shortage of nurses is projected to get worse as millions of aging baby boomers require more health care services. Demand and supply change constantly, but for the most part, there are not enough nurses to care for those in need. Across Kansas, hospitals are adding new wings to serve the baby boomer population. The next step is to find professional nurses to staff these areas. Employers are using creative methods such as sign-on bonuses, competitive salaries, and performance incentives to attract more nurses and retain existing ones.

While many employers are expanding their capacities, others are limiting the number of patient beds to maintain adequate patient to nurse ratios to ensure quality care. In an effort to meet the growing needs for patient care, relieve existing staff from long shifts, and boost their workforce, employers are willing to hire and training ADN graduates.

Another reason ADN graduates can be assured is employment is the number of nurses nearing retirement in Kansas. More than 36 percent of nurses are older than 55 and nearing retirement age. While some may adjust their schedules, the majority will leave due to burnout or workplace injuries. The retirement of hundreds of nurses will have a negative affect the workforce if employers do not have a pool of candidates from which to recruit.

Nursing schools turn away hundreds of eligible candidates each year. Their inability to accommodate more applicants limits the supply of nurses available to fill the growing number of vacancies. Those who enroll and graduate from the program might receive extra support to transition to the workforce and incentives to continue their studies and climb the career ladder to leadership roles, administration, health care policy, and advanced practice.

In Kansas, registered nurses earn an average yearly salary of $59,940.

Contact the Board of Nursing

Kansas State Board of Nursing

Landon State Office Building
900 SW Jackson Street
Suite 1051
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1230
Main: 785-296-4929
Fax: 785-296-3929

Kansas Registered Nursing Programs and NCLEX-RN Pass Rates:

ADN Programs Kansas
Coffeyville, KS ADN programs:
Coffeyville Community College
400 W 11th St, Coffeyville, KS 67337
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 72.73%

Coffeyville, KS ADN programs:
Colby Community College
1255 South Range, Colby, KS 67701
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 72.97%

Concordia, KS ADN programs:
Cloud County Community College
Address: 2221 Campus Drive, Concordia, KS 66901
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 82.76%

Dodge City, KS ADN programs:
Dodge City Community College
2501 North 14th Avenue, Dodge City, KS 67801
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 88.89%

El Dorado, KS ADN programs:
Butler County Community College
901 S Haverhill Rd, El Dorado, KS 67042
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 89.57%

Fort Scott, KS ADN programs:
Fort Scott Community College
2108 South Horton, Fort Scott, KS 66701
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 88.00%

Garden City, KS ADN programs:
Garden City Community College
801 Campus Drive, Garden City, KS 67846
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 79.19%

Great Bend, KS ADN programs:
Barton Community College
245 Northeast 30 Road, Great Bend, KS 67530
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 44.44%

Hesston, KS ADN programs:
Hesston College
325 South College Drive, Hesston, KS 67062
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 86.00%

Highland, KS ADN programs:
Highland Community College Technical Center
606 W Main St, Highland, KS 66035
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 97.74%

Hutchinson, KS ADN programs:
Hutchinson Community College
1300 North Plum, Hutchinson, KS 67501
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 70.42%

Kansas City, KS ADN programs:
Kansas City Kansas Community College
7250 State Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66112
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 73.27%

Lenexa, KS ADN programs:
Brown Mackie College- Kansas City
9705 Lenexa Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 38.10%

Liberal, KS ADN programs:
Seward County Community College
1801 North Kansas, PO Box 1137, Liberal, KS 67905
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 88.89%

Manhattan, KS ADN programs:
Manhattan Area Technical College
3136 Dickens Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66503
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 87.50%

Ottawa, KS ADN programs:
Neosho County Community College- Ottawa
900 East Logan Street, Ottawa, KS 66067
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 77.88%

Overland Park, KS ADN programs:
Johnson County Community College
12345 College Boulevard, Overland Park, KS66210
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 98.41%

Rasmussen College
11600 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66210
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 81.25%

Parsons, KS ADN programs:
Labette Community College
200 South, 14th Street, Parsons, KS 67357
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 82.35%

Pratt, KS ADN programs:
Pratt Community College
348 Northeast SR 61, Pratt, KS 67124
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 31.25%