Registered nurses treat and educate patients, families, and the public about common medical conditions and provide emotional and physical support. Their duties include gathering patient history, performing diagnostic tests, administering treatments and medications, communicating with physicians and other health professionals involved in patient care, supervising CNAs and other unlicensed staff, and devising, implementing and evaluating patient care plans.
Following a decade of higher than average unemployment and slow job growth in the nursing sector, registered nurses in Ohio are finding their services in demand once again. As the sector experiences new life, workers are receiving multiple job offers and their wages are beginning to climb. The aging population, aging workforce and increased access to healthcare will boost demand for nurses in coming years. Professionally trained nurses will have ample opportunities to begin working and advance their careers with continued education and training.
Ohio Nursing Programs
- ADN Programs Cincinnati, OH
- ADN Programs Cleveland, OH
- ADN Programs Columbus, OH
- ADN Programs Toledo, OH
- BSN Programs Ohio
- DNP Programs Ohio
- MSN Programs Ohio
- RN to BSN Programs Ohio
- BSN Programs Columbus, OH
Education Requirements
The courses in the Associate’s Degree in Nursing program can be divided into three broad categories: the prerequisite course requirements, general education requirements, and core nursing courses. The combination of courses prepares students to meet today’s challenging health care needs. Students can usually complete the requirements in just two years with full-time attendance and meet the requirements for practice as a registered nurse in hospitals, community health facilities, home health care, and clinics.
Through a series of classroom instruction, practice in a simulated lab, and clinical experiences in a medical facility, students will learn how to use the nursing process to meet patients’ demands in a healthcare setting, perform the nursing skills and techniques safely and competently, demonstrate proper communication skills when interacting with patients, families, and members of the health care team, and practice within the legal and ethical framework of the profession.
Examples of courses covered in the program include child and family development, foundations of nursing, general psychology, introduction to sociology, human nutrition, anatomy and physiology, geriatrics, fundamentals of nursing, maternal newborn nursing, mental health nursing, and medical-surgical nursing. A clinical experience at a hospital, nursing home, or other healthcare facility will introduce students to direct patient care, working as part of the interdisciplinary health care team, use of technology, and the development of clinical judgment and critical thinking.
In Ohio, there are more than 25 providers that facilitate the associate’s degree nursing education program to prepare students for the NCLEX-RN licensure exam. Graduates who successfully pass the exam will be registered to practice in Ohio and fill an urgent need for professional nurses in hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
Eligibility Criteria
Even with the abundance of associate degree in nursing programs in Ohio, admission is competitive. Attend the school’s nursing information for detailed guidelines for admissions. Following the guidelines will improve your chances of admittance.
General admission requirements include:
- A high school diploma or GED.
- A completed application submitted before the program’s deadline.
- Complete the prerequisite course requirements.
- Pass the admission exam: the ATI TEAS may be just one example.
- Meet the health requirements for participation in the clinical experience. Examples are TB clearance, criminal background check, immunizations, CPR certification, and physical exam.
The Ohio Board of Nursing does not issue a license to candidates with a history of certain crimes such as murder and rape. Please contact the Board before enrolling in the program if there are criminal convictions in your past.
Duration and Cost
Count the costs well before applying for college. Visit the financial aid’s office at the school of your choice to get the conversation about your options for support started early. In most cases, you must submit your application for financial aid well before the first day of classes. Your application for grants, scholarships, and private loans requires similar preparation. Without proper preparation and planning, you will not have the help you need to pay for college. In Ohio, the average cost of completing a two-year ADN degree is $29,541 for Ohio residents and $72,386 for non-residents. Additional expenses for nursing students include criminal background check, health requirements, immunization, nursing supply kit, textbooks, course materials, CPR certification, state licensure, NCLEX exam fee, nursing school pin, uniform and transport to and from the clinical facility.
Ohio RN Licensure Requirements
In an effort to safeguard public health, the Ohio State Board of Nursing requires candidates for RN registration to complete an approved nursing education program and a criminal background check (FBI and BCI) before granting approval to practice. Candidates convicted of specific crimes, such as Murder and Rape, will not be considered for licensure. There are other bars to licensure, so check with the Board of Nursing before submitting an application for licensure or considering a career as a registered nurse in Ohio. Due to strict requirements for RNs and concerns for public safety, the Ohio Board of Nursing voted in 2005 to delay action seeking the introduction of interstate compact legislation.
Licensure By Examination
Complete the application for licensure by exam if you recently graduated from a state-approved registered nursing program that prepared you for the state board (NCLEX-RN). It is your responsibility to send all the required documents, outlined below, to the Ohio Board of Nursing. The Board must receive a completed application and all the necessary documents to determine your eligibility to take the NCLEX-RN.
Submit the following to the Ohio Board of Nursing to obtain eligibility to take the NCLEX-RN:
- The completed Licensure by Examination Application.
- The non-refundable fee of $75 payable to “Treasurer, State of Ohio.” Enclose a money order, certified check, or cashier’s check. Business checks from government entities, education programs, or corporations will be accepted. However, you cannot use a personal check to make the payment.
- Evidence of completing an approved nursing education program.
- If you graduated from an approved Ohio nursing program, the director should electronically submit a completion letter certifying that you graduated from the program. Your name on the application must match the name on the completion letter.
- If you graduated from a program outside of Ohio, the registrar must mail a signed and sealed transcript directly to the Board of Nursing. Electronic delivery or submission from the candidate will not be accepted. The transcript should indicate the type of degree awarded and date of completion.
- Your fingerprints for an FBI and BCI background check. The background check must be completed by the Bureau of Criminal Identification, who will send both reports directly to the Board’s office. BCI accepts electronic fingerprints only. You can complete the fingerprinting at a Webcheck location in Ohio.
- Your registration for the NCLEX-RN on the web or by phone.
- A diagnostic report from a qualified professional practitioner, type of accommodation needed, and a letter from the director of the nursing program specifying the accommodations granted by the nursing program. Submit these documents, at least, two months before graduating from the program if you need special accommodations for the exam. Board and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing will review and authorize the request if applicable.
Ensure that the program completion letter, criminal record check report, and transcript are submitted directly to the Board from the respective agencies. The Board may return your application if it is incomplete. The application will be considered void after one year, and your application fee will be forfeited if you do not submit all the required documents within the period. You can check the status of your application online by visiting the Board’s website and click on “Verification” and enter your name.
NCLEX-RN Registration: You must register with Pearson Vue for the NCLEX-RN. Registration is available on the web or by telephone (866) 496-2539. Use the same name you used to apply for the licensure exam to avoid delays in processing your request. The name should also match the picture identification you’ll take to the test center. The registration fee for the exam is $200 and is payable using a credit card online or by phone. Make sure to print the registration confirmation and download a copy of the Candidate Bulletin to receive instructions for preparing for the exam. Pearson Vue will issue the ATT document after the Board confirms your eligibility to take the exam. The ATT document will contain an ATT number that you’ll use to schedule an appointment to take the NCLEX.
Pearson Vue will mail a re-registration packet if you fail the exam. Complete the packet and re-register with Pearson Vue. You must wait at least 45 days after you failed the exam to retake the test.
Licensure By Endorsement
Use the Licensure by Endorsement application to apply for eligibility to practice in Ohio if you graduated from an accredited nursing program and have another state’s authorization to practice as a registered nurse.
Submit the following to obtain an endorsement from the Ohio Board of Nursing to practice within the state:
- The completed Licensure by Endorsement Application.
- The non-refundable fee of $75 payable to “Treasurer, State of Ohio.” Enclose a money order, certified check, or cashier’s check. Business checks from government entities, education programs, or corporations will be accepted. However, you cannot use a personal check to make the payment.
- Evidence of completing an approved nursing education program. Verification of your education may be included on the Nursys Verification.
- Your fingerprints for an FBI and BCI background check. The background check must be completed by the Bureau of Criminal Identification, who will send both reports directly to the Board’s office. BCI accepts electronic fingerprints only. You can complete the fingerprinting at a Webcheck location in Ohio.
- License verification. This must include verification of your licensure by examination and verification of a current and unrestricted license to practice as a registered nurse. The Verification of licensure must be sent directly from the authorizing state to the Board of Nursing or electronically using the NURSYS license verification system.
- Certificate of completing two contact hours of continuing education in Ohio Laws and Rules. The continuing education must be approved by the Board or an OBN approver.
As an endorsement candidate, you may request a non-renewable temporary permit to practice as a registered nurse. The permit is valid for 180 days and is available by request only. To be eligible for the permit, you must submit an application and fee, verification of your education and licensure, proof of citizenship, and English proficiency. You will not be eligible for a temporary permit if your license is not current.
Renewal Requirements
Registered nurses in Ohio must renew their licenses on August 31st of odd-numbered years. Your license will lapse if you do not renew by the deadline. You can always visit the Board’s website and click on the Verification link at the top to see when your license expires. Renew your license before July 1st of the renewal year and the fee will be $65. Renewal requests submitted between July 1st and August 31st will have a $115 renewal fee that includes a $50 late fee.
To renew your license, you must set up an account online with your username and password before you submit a renewal request.
Continuing Education Requirements for Ohio RNs
On your very first renewal, you won’t need to have the 24 hours of continuing education. However, on your subsequent renewal, you must complete the required 24 hours of continuing education including 1 hour of Category A: Law and Rules. All continuing education requirements must be completed within the renewal cycle from September 1 to August 31. Although you do not need to send documents to the Board of Nursing, you must maintain the documents for your records in case you’re selected for a random audit.
Ohio Salary and Job Outlook
Year after year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has been reporting an expected increase in job growth in the healthcare sector. In Ohio, health care jobs account for one out of every five new jobs in the lackluster job market. Out of the available jobs in healthcare, 75% of them will be in nursing. The population growth, slow as it has been in Ohio, the aging population, and aging workforce will create an ongoing need for nurses in major hospitals across the state.
Moreover, approximately 4,682 new nurses will be needed to fill vacancies left by retirees. Currently, the type of degree (diploma, associate’s degree, or bachelor’s degree) does not affect a new graduate’s ability to land a job. However, a degree that is less than a BSN degree will affect a registered nurse’s ability to advance in the profession. The associate’s degree opens the door to a career in nursing and is perfectly fine if you want to continue working at patients’ bedside, but you should pay attention to the trends in light of the AACN’s push to increase the number of BSN RNs. Also, hospital employers will reward nurses for completing further education. ADN graduates typically find credible employment within 12 months of graduating and earn approximately $62,480 annually.
Contact the Board of Nursing
Ohio Board of Nursing
17 South High Street
Suite 400, Columbus Ohio 43215-7410
Phone: (614) 466-3947
Fax: (614) 466-0388
Email: licensure@nursing.ohio.gov
Ohio Registered Nursing Programs and NCLEX-RN Pass Rates:
Akron, OH ADN Programs:
Breckinridge School of Nursing and Health Sciences
3428 West Market Street, Akron, OH 44333
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 27.78%
Archbold, OH ADN Programs:
Northwest State Community College
22600 State Route 34, Archbold, OH 43502
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 98.15%
Athens, OH ADN Programs:
Ohio University
Grover Center E365, Athens, OH 45701
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 78.19%
Canton, OH ADN Programs:
Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences
2600 Sixth Street Southwest, Canton, OH 44710
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 76.14%
Centerville, OH ADN Programs:
Fortis College in Centerville
555 East Alex Bell Road, Centerville, OH 45459
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 74.12%
Cincinnati, OH ADN Programs:
Beckfield College
225 Pictoria Drive, Suite 200 (2nd Floor), Cincinnati, OH 45246
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 27.78%
The Cincinnati State Bethesda School of Nursing
3520 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45223-2690
(513) 569-1670
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 85.84%
Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science
375 Dixmyth Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 84.38%
Galen College of Nursing
100 East Business Way, Suite 200, Cincinnati, Ohio 45241
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 84.77%
University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College
9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236-1096
(513) 745-5665
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 61.45%
Clairsville, OH ADN Programs:
Belmont College
68094 Hammond Road, St. Clairsville, OH 43950
(740) 695-9500
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 50.00%
Cleveland, OH ADN Programs:
Bryant & Stratton College
3121 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 63.16%
Cuyahoga Community College
700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 81.31%
Columbus, OH ADN Programs:
Felbry School of Nursing
6055 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH 43231
(614) 781-1085
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: N/A
Columbus State Community College
550 East Spring Street, Columbus, OH 43215
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 83.14%
Chamberlain College
1350 Alum Creek Drive, Columbus, OH 43209
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 75.00%
Dayton, OH ADN Programs:
Brighton College
2800 East River Street, Dayton, OH 45439
(937) 294-6155
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 62.61%
Sinclair Community College
444 West Third Street, Dayton, OH 45402
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 78.17%
Ohio Medical Career College
1133 South Edwin C. Moss Blvd, Suite 110, Dayton, OH 45417
(937) 567-8880
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate:
East Liverpool, OH ADN Programs:
Ohio Valley College of Technology
15258 State Route 170, East Liverpool, OH 43920
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 100.00%
Elyria, OH ADN Programs:
Lorain County Community College
1005 North Abbe Road, Elyria, OH 44035-1691
(440) 336-4015
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 83.85%
Findlay, OH ADN Programs:
Owens Community College Learning Center- Millstream
1150 Broad Avenue, Findlay, OH 45840
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 95.86%
Fremont, OH ADN Programs:
Terra State Community College
2830 Napoleon Road, Fremont, OH 43420
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 94.59%
Hillsboro, OH ADN Programs:
Southern State Community College
100 Hobart Drive, Hillsboro, OH 45133
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 75.93%
Kent, OH ADN Programs:
Kent State University
800 East Summit Street, Kent, OH 44240
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 81.45%
Kirtland, OH ADN Programs:
Lakeland Community College
7700 Clocktower Drive, Kirtland, OH 44094-5198
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 87.60%
Mansfield, OH ADN Programs:
North Central State College
2441 Kenwood Circle, Mansfield, OH 44906
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 86.05%
Marietta, OH ADN Programs:
Washington State Community College
710 Colegate Drive, Marietta, OH 45750
(740) 374-8716
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 100.00%
Marion, OH ADN Programs:
Marion Technical College
1467 Mount Vernon Avenue, Marion, OH 43302
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 81.36%
Nelsonville, OH ADN Programs:
Hocking College
3301 Hocking Parkway, Nelsonville, OH45764
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 88.78%
Newark, OH ADN Programs:
Central Ohio Technical College
1179 University Drive, Newark, OH 43055
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 74.11%
North Canton, OH ADN Programs:
Stark State College
6200 Frank Avenue, NW, North Canton, OH 44720
(330) 966-5458
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 91.87%
Piqua, OH ADN Programs:
Edison State Community College
1973 Edison Drive, Piqua, Ohio 45356
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 92.68%
Portsmouth, OH ADN Programs:
Shawnee State University
940 Second Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 70.37%
Rio Grande, OH ADN Programs:
University of Rio Grande
218 North College, P.O. Box 500, Rio Grande, OH 45674
(740) 245-7302
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 79.61%
Springfield, OH ADN Programs:
Clark State Community College
570 East Leffels Lane, Springfield, OH 45501-0570
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 79.70%
Toledo, OH ADN Programs:
Mercy College of Ohio
2221 Madison Avenue, Toledo, OH 43604
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 91.27%
Westerville, OH ADN Programs:
Hondros College
4140 Executive Parkway, Westerville, OH 43081
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 69.43%
Youngstown, OH ADN Programs:
Eastern Gateway Community College
101 East Federal Street, Youngstown, OH 44503
NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 78.38%
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