The continuous demand for nurses bodes well for those looking to get a job, but it increases the pressure on colleges and universities, state boards, and nursing associations that are looking for solutions to this crisis in health care. The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes yearly reports depicting a growing shortage of nurses to care for the population’s need, yet many nurse graduates may be questioning the viability of the data when they encounter roadblocks in their search for employment. … Read the rest
Category: RN to BSN
RN to BSN Programs Iowa
In 2010, the Institute of Medicine published a report to address a current health care crisis surrounding the delivery of quality patient care and positive patient outcomes. The report sought to highlight solutions that would strengthen the profession of nursing and encourage collaboration with other health care professionals to improve the health care system. One of the IOM’s recommendations is to grow the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate of science in nursing by 2020. This suggestion is based on … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Indiana
According to the IOM’s report on the Future of Nursing, “nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training.” One recommendation is to make the path to continued education as seamless as possible. Nursing is different from other professions in that it has several educational paths to entry-level licensure to practice. Hospital-based programs still have a place in Indiana, but the primary pathway to licensure is the associate’s degree and the baccalaureate degree. While academics and professionals continue to debate … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Illinois
The Institute of Medicine’s report, “The Future of Nursing” sparked much debate by linking a highly educated workforce to improved patient outcomes. One of the report’s four key messages was to increase the level of education and training for nurses. In line with the IOM, the Tri-Council of Nursing recommended an increase in the proportion of nursing with a BSN degree, suggesting a proposed target of 80% by 2020. At the time of the recommendation, approximately 50% of the registered … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Hawaii
The volume and scope of nursing jobs are expanding daily. Nurses have a critical role in the health care process to meet the demands and reduce the cost of delivering care. In light of their role, nurses must consider the advantages and even the necessity of continued education. Conventional wisdom dictates that an associate degree in nursing (ADN) will suffice for those who plan to remain within the confines of bedside care. However, hiring trends reveal a growing preference for … Read the rest
Georgia RN to BSN Programs
A nurse with a BSN degree is better prepared to meet patients’ needs. The RN to BSN program provides additional education in management, leadership, community nursing, and wellness to nurses who have an existing ADN degree. At the conclusion of the training, the new graduate will possess advanced knowledge of disease prevention, risk reduction, and the promotion of health. Nurses today are venturing into the delivery of primary care in their communities; the BSN degree helps them to fill such … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Delaware
Demographic shifts, an aging population that needs more care, a poor image of a career in nursing, and competition with other professions all contribute to a nursing crisis in Delaware. According to the Delaware Health Care Commission, the shortage will escalate when experienced nurses of the Baby Boomer generation retire. Nurses are a central part of the plan to transform health care in the state. As Delawareans struggle with rising health care costs amidst a fragile economic climate, employers face … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Connecticut
The associate’s degree in nursing has been the standard for entry into nursing for the last 3 decades. Times are changing as industry leaders seek to raise the skills level of the nursing workforce by requiring nurses to obtain a BSN degree, at minimum, for entry-level practice. The effort has the endorsement of the AACN and other associations who believe that the BSN degree will increase nurses’ analytical and critical thinking skills. Hospitals are also voicing support for the BSN … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Colorado
Nursing is one of a very few professions that has multiple routes to entry level practice. There are three pathways to becoming a registered nurse: a 3-year diploma (administered in hospitals), a 3-year associate’s degree, or a 4-year baccalaureate degree. All graduates are eligible to take the NCLEX-RN licensing examination, start at the same entry-level salary, and do the same job, but a growing body of evidence suggests that nurses with a BSN degree or higher help to improve patient … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Arkansas
Data showing the link between a highly educated nursing workforce and better patient outcomes and fewer safety issues influences the trend towards higher education. Arkansas is one of many states that emphasize the preparation of more nurses with a bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN) or higher. Almost 45% of nursing graduates in Arkansas are prepared at the baccalaureate level. The other 55%, who select associate’s degree programs due to time or financial constraints, are encouraged to complete the BSN through … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Alaska
Scores of nurses are pursuing the baccalaureate degree in nursing and other advanced degrees in response to rapid and complex changes within healthcare. The RN to BSN program is a convenient way for nurses to prepare for greater responsibilities and executive positions in nursing. More health care employers require nurses to have a BSN degree as several studies show that BSNs have a positive impact on patients and achieve better results. According to a 2014 survey conducted by the American … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Alabama
The thought of transitioning from an RN to BSN can be daunting. However, if you’ve been working as a registered nurse for some time and have a passion for the profession, then a BSN degree can take your career to new heights. It’s normal to have questions and more than a few concerns especially if you need to continue working. Fortunately, online courses and flexible program schedules make it easier than ever to advance your education.
Alabama’s RN to BSN … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Arizona
The overall outlook for nursing remains strong in spite of an uncertain economy. Registered nurses with an associate’s degree manage to find jobs, with a few concessions, and may be unwilling to compromise their precarious positions by returning to school. However, advanced education, in the form of a BSN degree, may be just what RNs need in the evolving field of nursing. As the industry shifts into a new type of healthcare that demands more from nurses, it would be … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Florida
Professional nursing associations make continued calls for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing to become the entry level requirement for the profession, leading to heated debates among nurses and other interest groups. Nurses with an associate’s degree can clearly demonstrate their superior clinical skills compared to BSN graduates. Their education and experience in the health care industry make them valuable to the patient care team. But the call for increased education is not about making a BSN nurse better than … Read the rest
RN to BSN Programs Texas
Recent statistics coming out from the Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies reveal that the supply ratio of RNs in Texas lags behind that of other states and the national supply ratio. Even with a shortage of registered nurses, employers are unwilling to draw from a pool of available associate-degree graduates. Seeking every opportunity to promote patient safety, many hospitals are beginning to hire only BSN RNs, leaving the ADNs and LVNs with no choice but to seek employment in … Read the rest